Stick In There
Never give up, keep keeping at it, persistence is the key, belief in yourself or any other motivational tagline that your parents or teachers tried to instill in your head at a young age were absolutely right! There is only one sure way to win and that’s not to quit. No matter what task you’re trying to accomplish or what goal you want to achieve sticking it out to the end is imperative for multiple reasons. Some think not getting the gold medal or not being in the number 1 position is considered a loss but learning what NOT to do is a very important step in becoming successful that cannot be overlooked.
Win some, lose some is a popular phrase and it’s true but the trick is to learn how to take a win out of every loss. If you are not the kind of person that nails everything they do on the first try then you probably know what it feels like to make a mistake that was costly and you knew right then what you did wrong. That feeling of disappointment is you telling yourself that Ill never make that careless mistake again and next time ill be prepared. That process inevitably happens the more attempts you take at something that’s why you get better with practice is not just a slogan.
One of the first steps to having the willpower to keep moving forward is confidence. This is not the self-help portion of the book but understanding what role confidence plays in your success is also important. Mustarding up the courage to do something is one thing but going into it with a mapped-out plan is a whole another, no matter what it is. Knowing what to do when a situation occurs can be the difference between a lot of money being lost or even a loss of life. That’s one reason why some doctors are on 24-hour call, that’s also the reason why rich people keep lawyers on retainer. Even celebrities are advised to have crisis management teams available in case something happens that may tarnish their career. Having knowledge or a particular niche that you’re good at not only builds confidence in yourself but gives other people the confidence that you’re the right person for the job.
Hard times come and go for everyone I’m sure but the ones that are able to weather the storm will reap the rewards whatever they may be. I know what it feels like to be in a predicament that feels like it’s impossible to overcome or don’t see a conclusion that’s in your favor. I also know that I did overcome those situations even if the conclusion wasn’t a win I would not have known what I did wrong if I wouldn’t have finished.
It’s not a success story for winning the lottery or getting an inheritance that comes from people that overcame incredible odds and bootstrap their way to the top. There is no real fast track to success either, yes you can make a lot of money in a short period of time but odds are that you will mismanage it because there was no sweat equity behind it or enough time to master the technique of achieving it.
Does having money make you successful? I’m sure you’ll get a bunch of different answers because some people will say that they work hard just to get the money so if I can skip the working hard part and just get the money then mission accomplished. Some people don’t seem to understand that everybody isn’t in it just for the money. As strange as this concept may sound to some there are people that grind every day for notoriety or accolades. How many times have you seen someone rich start a low-profit business because it has always been a childhood dream? Some people just really want to be respected and will break the bank for it but real respect comes from admiring someone’s actions, like the decisions that they make or their ability to finish the things that they start. It’s a million reasons why people admire other people but giving up on something that you started I’m sure is very very low on that list.
Let’s talk about a more familiar topic when comes to sticking it out, School. Let’s face it during junior high through high school how many times have you actually used what you learned in science or social studies class in the real world? Hardly ever I bet. College is the exact same. People go to college all the time just to switch majors and end up working some job that has nothing to do with what they learned in college. With any level of school, the difference is, Finishing! Why do you think they added the word college to college dropout? To ease to blow? No. It’s to insinuate that you didn’t quite have what it takes to finish. What people may not know is whether you get into the career you studied in college or not when an employer is looking for a candidate for a position, them attending school and completing it lets the employer know that you have the discipline to start and finish a long term task. That also lets them know that you are capable of learning and absorbing information and can apply it when necessary.
So if you ever feel like just throwing in the towel in life or in your business take into consideration that tough times will pass and what your going through is a growth process that we are not able to physically see until those decisions start to show in our everyday life. Just Stick In There!